Governance Consultation 2018


From October 2017 to September 2018, the NENA Steering Group and NENA Governance Working Group led an open consultation process inviting all people interested in NENA’s long term governance, to participate in the development of NENA’s structure, membership, constitution and other governance issues. Everyone was invited to comment on two versions of the governance material, attend webinars discussing the material and provide written feedback. The following material was provided in June 2018:

Invitation to provide your views
NENA's Draft Governance Structure – June 2018

Please email your comments to us by 25 September 2018

The NENA Steering Group has developed a draft Constitution and Operational Structure for NENA's long term governance, and we're now inviting feedback from interested people in the NENA network. These draft documents come after initial discussions at the 2016 and 2017 Conference, a governance working group that explored ideas from October 2017 to March 2018 and two webinars (in March and August 2018), to discuss initial ideas and feedback.

NENA’s Operational Structure and Legal Constitution has been drafted to find a balance between meeting the legal requirements for a cooperative under Australian law, while also setting up operational structures that minimise hierarchy, and allow freedom, autonomy and healthy communication between elements of NENA such as geographically and sectorally based Hubs.

We're now inviting feedback from interested members of the NENA Network about the following DRAFT documents:

  • NENA Draft Constitution – The proposal is to incorporate NENA as a co-operative, made up of individual and organisational members, who are free to create geographical and sectoral 'working hubs', and with a number of bodies elected by members including: Board of Management, Strategy Group and Participatory Budget Group
  • NENA Draft Operational Handbook – which includes:
    • information about the proposed structure of NENA, and how its different elements will work together
    • Membership policy and benefits
    • Charter for NENA Hubs
    • NENA Code of Conduct
  • NENA Discussion Paper for Strategy Development – This document sets out initial notes that will help guide discussions at the NENA Strategy Meeting, on Day 1 of the 2018 NENA Annual Conference (19 October 2018)


  • To provide comments about all or any of these documents, please email: by 25 September 2018
  • Please write: “Comments – NENA Governance Documents” in the subject heading of your email
  • You’re welcome to make tracked changes on the documents and send them to us, or simply write an email with your feedback about any suggested changes


  • Your comments will be collated by the Steering Group and where possible, all ideas and suggestions will be incorporated into the final version of the documents
  • Our goal is for NENA to be incorporated late September/early October, and membership will be invited ahead of the 2018 Annual Conference


  • Email us at:
  • Join us at NENA’s September Webinar - Thursday 20 September, 6.30pm (NSW/Vic time).  We've scheduled a 1 hour webinar where members of the Steering Group will answer your questions and take comments and feedback about the proposed Governance structure. Please join us!