NENA's Constitution requires that a NENA Strategic Directions Group (SDG) be elected every 2 years.
The SDG's primary objective is to create ‘regular strategic plans’ for the cooperative, and provide ‘general advice’ to the Board about strategic priorities (see Rule 4.2, NENA Constitution).
The goal is for the SDG to be made up of people from across a diverse range of NENA Hubs, and the SDG will help facilitate the process for getting all Hubs to input to the Civil Society Strategy
- Dr Michelle Maloney
- Hamed Hosseini
- Anisa Rogers
- JP Parker
- Tarik Cutuk
- Tiyana Jovanovic

Dr Michelle Maloney is Co-Founder and Director of NENA, and participates on the NENA Strategic Directions Group. She also manages the Coordinating Hub, which leads NENA’s Hub Connectivity, communications and social media, national event management, membership and partnership development.
Michelle began working with other colleagues to create the New Economy Network Australia in 2016, and since that time NENA has grown into a national network of thousands of individuals and organisations working to transform our economic system so that it supports ecological health and socially and economically just human societies.
She is Co-Founder and National Convenor of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA), Adjunct Senior Fellow, Law Futures Centre, Griffith University and Co-founder and Director of Future Dreaming Australia – an organisation created by Indigenous and non-indigenous leaders to promote cross cultural sharing of governance and ecological knowledge in Australia. Michelle is on the Steering Group for the International Ecological Law and Governance Association (ELGA), and is on the Advisory Group for the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN).

Tarik Cutuk is a postgraduate with the Graduate Centre in Governance and International Affairs at the University of Queensland. He lives in Umpi Korumba (Brisbane), on unceded land, and recognises the Jagera and Turrbal people as its traditional custodians. He has an academic background in Philosophy, Historical Studies, and English Literature, as well as experience as an activist and organiser with Extinction Rebellion in South-East Queensland. His passion is to participate in social, cultural, and political transformation and play and he is particularly interested in critically reflecting upon the nature of modernity and the Australian state, as well as engaging in broader existential and spiritual inquiry and exploration.

S.A. Hamed Hosseini is a senior sociologist in the School of Humanities, Creative Industries, and Social Sciences at the University of Newcastle (UON), NSW, Australia. He is an elected Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science, the author of Capital Redefined (2024, with B K Gills), the lead editor of The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies (2020), and the author of Conscientious Sociology (2013), and Alternative Globalizations (2009/2011). Hosseini is the founder and convener of UON Alternative Futures Research Network, founder and editor of ‘Common Alternatives’ initiative (, founder of The Well-living Lab, co-founder and convener of Alternative Futures Research Hub (UON-CHSF’s first community-partnered research hub), co-founder and co-director of New Economy Network Australia Research Hub.

Tiyana J channels her expertise to help others transform their passion into impactful action as the founder of the Humanitarian Changemakers Network, an ecosystem of platforms and projects that catalyse innovation and impact for grassroots changemakers worldwide.
As a PhD candidate in Communication for Social Change, Tiyana's research explores the transformative role of ICTs in rural development, with a sharp focus on women’s empowerment in India. Her robust academic foundation in philosophy and sociology lends a unique lens to her endeavours as an impact strategist, helping grassroots changemakers from community based organisations and large non-profits alike to harness the transformative potential of Theory of Change in their interventions.
Beyond her professional pursuits, Tiyana is a practicing witch whose craft blends permaculture, wellness, philosophy and spirituality. This holistic approach not only enriches her mission, but allows her to work with practitioners from ‘all faiths and no faiths’ to tap into the magic of social change.

JP Parker is a recovering futurist; a humanitarian and planetarian at the intersection of exponential technology and culture.
Why “recovering”? Well, she used to be a futurist and strategist, professionally. Now she is on a mission—along with many like-hearted others—to rescue the future from dystopia. That happens by focusing on and in the present, and being good future ancestors. Right now.
JP has served as pioneer and pattern interrupter across multiple sectors, building support structures, weaving across networks, and championing bringers of change.
She is deeply dedicated to bringing forth “that more beautiful world our hearts know is possible” — ecologically, economically, and, most crucially, by cultivating the kind of harmony in our inner worlds that enables true symbiosis with one another, and all of life. She is a stand for human beings becoming ever more humane beings.