The Official Journal of the New Economy Network Australia
The New Economy Journal is the official journal of the New Economy Network Australia. The Journal publishes material that supports the Network’s mission to transform Australia’s economy so that achieving ecological health and social justice are its foundational principles and primary objectives.
The New Economy Journal is a place for contribution and conversation for those interested and involved in the New Economy movement. Published monthly on the first Tuesday of each month, each New Economy Journal issue features pieces on the New Economy, with an emphasis on the New Economy movement in Australia. The Journal will help achieve NENA’s goals to “facilitate connections, showcase and promote innovative projects, build peer-to-peer learning and use collective strategies to create and advocate for change”. The Journal will highlight, document and disseminate information about what is happening in the New Economy movement in Australia and around the world, encourage discourse and debate, facilitate connections, and produce a historical record in the process.
The New Economy Journal is an open platform and encourages unsolicited submissions. If you would like to submit a piece for publication, find more information at Submit to the Journal.
New Economy Journal
See all volumes and issues of the New Economy Journal