For the first time, the International Co-operative Alliance Asia-Pacific Research Conference will be held in Australia.
The University of Newcastle will play host - fitting given not just its important place in the history of the Australian consumer movement, but because it’s one of the leading research and teaching institutions in Australia regarding co-operatives. For instance, the Newcastle Business School currently offers Australia’s only post-graduate degree in Co-operative Management and Organisation.
The central theme for the 14th ICA CCR Asia-Pacific Research Conference is the contribution that co-operation and knowledge sharing among co-operatives and mutuals in the Asia-Pacific region can make towards a flourishing and sustainable future.
Keynote speakers at the conference include Melina Morrison, CEO of the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals; and Greg Patmore, Emeritus Professor of Business and Labour History, University of Sydney.
Both are eminent in the co-operative movement in Australia and delegates will be looking forward to their talks. Patmore’s talk, in particular, which will provide an update on the Visual Atlas of Australian Co-operative History, is keenly anticipated. The Atlas is a visual data tool being carefully populated with data from the history of Australian co-operatives from the 1820s to the present and is still under development, though Patmore is known to share glimpses of it from time to time.
The day before the conference a workshop for Young Scholars/RHD scholars has been organised. Young scholars will have the opportunity to present their research in a friendly environment and be provided constructive feedback and support from senior academics researchers in the field.
The conference will occur from the 12th to 14th December, 2019.