Welcome to issue 8, our last issue for 2019! It’s been a great year and we hope you enjoy this last iteration. Wonderful, diverse articles as always. We hope, of course, that you disagree with some, take hope from others, and learn from all about how to build a new, just, sustainable economy. Until next year!
Table of Contents

An Open Letter to the Administrators of the Co-op Bookshop

This letter is written in the light of news the Co-op Bookshop, a co-operative over 60 years old, has gone into voluntary administration due to debts owed to suppliers. It is possible the Co-op Bookshop will cease trading. Dear administrators of the Co-op, The Co-op Bookshop is a special kind...

Bioregions as Economic Neighborhoods

Contents [1] Disruption [2] Not the Household, The Neighbourhood [3] Renaissance in Local Economic Development [4] Cosmo-Localisation [5] Cosmo-localism and Economic Neighbourhoods [6] What Defines an Economic Neighbourhood – Bioregions [7] Boundary Fences [8] Qualities of Economic Neighbourhood [9] Trust, Transparency and Traction [10] Impossible Until It's Inevitable [1] Disruption

Fruit Walls: Urban Farming in the 1600s

Today, we are often being told to eat local and seasonal food, either because other crops have been transported over long distances or because they are grown in energy-intensive greenhouses. But it wasn’t always this way. From the sixteenth to the twentieth century, urban farmers grew Mediterranean fruits and vegetables...

Is Growth Really the Answer? Australia and the New Pacific Development Agenda

Effective aid programs in the Pacific have long been seen as elusive. Helen Hughes and John Connell have alluded to the ‘Pacific Paradox’– the phenomenon of high aid volumes to the region, contrasted with poor progress on poverty reduction and prospects for self-reliance.[1] This issue has been attributed to the...

Are Co-operatives Good for Your Health? TL;DR: Yes

With the debate heating up about rising inequality and whether employee ownership/co-operatives might contribute to ‘social outcomes,’ the following little article reports on a study which provided a resounding “yes.”

Five point 8

Five point eight Is the going rate I just heard my expert mate On the radio propose And he said that this was great For the future of the state And it really would relate To the products that I chose So no longer must I wait Here on the...

A Thank You from the Editors

And with that, the first year of the New Economy Journal is in the books. We’ve published eight issues and 86 individual pieces, managed to put together a print edition for NENA’s annual conference in Perth and built a strong foundation from which to build in 2020. It’s been...