New Economy Journal is a place for contribution and conversation for those interested and involved in the New Economy movement. In 2022, the New Economy Journal will publish pieces under six broad themes. The Journal themes for 2022/2023 are:
- Rethinking Value
- New Stories for the New Economy
- Connections to Place in the New Economy
- Health and Wellbeing in the New Economy
- Regenerative Economics
- Does Capitalism Have a Future?
The August instalment of the Journal features Ted Trainer’s critique of Ross Gittins’ conventional economic thinking, with Trainer making the argument for why capitalism cannot save us. Kimberley Crofts highlights the important role of local knowledge in participatory planning around just transitions and Michael Haines outlines the reasons a UBI is needed. Sonia Randhawa of the NENA Democracy and Governance Hub reflects on the recent federal election and calls members to action, and Jonathan Cornford of the NENA Faith Hub explores the ecological ethics underpinning the Hebrew Dreaming, emphasising the need for us to listen to ancient wisdom.
We hope you disagree with some, take hope from others, and learn from all about how we can build a new, just and sustainable economy.
Table of Contents

The Ecological Ethics of the Hebrew Dreaming

Taking the Politics out of Democracy

Ross Gittins thinks capitalism can save us. Here’s why it can’t.

Why a UBI is Needed

“The experts are already here”: The role of local knowledge in sustainability transitions