2025 Conference
SAVE THE DATES! NENA 2025 Conference Friday 10th to Sunday 12th October 2025 Broadbeach Cultural Centre, Broadbeach 61-89 Sunshine Boulevard, Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Qld More details will be available soon! Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with Conference information. CONFERENCE DETAILS Call for Proposals Guest Speakers Registration Program Conference Venue...

2023 Conference

It’s been said that it’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. Capitalism – the system that enables a small group of people to accumulate wealth by extracting and controlling resources, at the expense of the majority of people and our planet – hasn’t always been the dominant human...

2021 Conference

The New Economy Network Australia (NENA) hosted our 6th Annual Conference from 5 – 7 November 2021, as part of our very first 'Wellbeing Economy Week', which kicked off on 1 November and concluded at the end of the NENA Conference on 7 November.

2020 Conference

The theme of NENA’s 2020 Conference was “New Economy—Work in Progress”, and the intention was to share the amazing work being done by individuals and organisations across Australia to build a new economy, focused on ecological health and social & economic justice.

2019 Conference

New Economy Network Australia (NENA) and the Enkel Collective collaborated to host NENA 2019, the 4th Annual NENA conference, in Perth, Western Australia. The Perth Conference was hosted from Friday night 4th October until after lunch Monday 7th October. The event was auspiced by Enkel and was held at the Centre for Social Impact at...

2018 Conference

NENA’s second annual conference "Strengthening the New Economy for the Common Good", was held in Melbourne from October 19 - 21, inviting people to come together to share stories of success, address challenges and join the broader movement, to appreciate our shared purpose, and create transformative approaches to a fairer and ecologically sustainable economy and...

2017 Conference

From September 1 - 3 in Brisbane, NENA hosted its second conference, bringing together 350 delegates from across Australia and abroad to share, discuss, challenge, provoke and build ideas for the new economy. Delegates represented a wide range of interests and brought an equally diverse array of issues to the Conference.The New Economy Network Australia...

2016 Conference

On August 16 & 17, 2016, the UNSW Law School and the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) co-hosted the first NENA Annual Conference at the Glebe Town Hall in Sydney.