Reimagining ‘Quality of Life’ and ‘Social Wellbeing’

From June to October 2021, University of Newcastle (UoN) and NENA hosted monthly online workshops that invited guest speakers and participants to explore, challenge and re-define the concepts of ‘quality of life’ and ‘social wellbeing’ in Australia. This webinar series is part of the UoN research project: “Reimagining Quality of Life Post-COVID”, funded by the...

BOOK TOUR – “The Economics of Arrival” featuring co-author, Katherine Trebeck (2019)

The New Economy Network Australia (NENA), RegenNarration, Orange Compass, Australian National Development Index (ANDI) and the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WeAll) are co-hosting a thought provoking series of evening seminars and discussions in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane, featuring Katherine Trebeck, co-author of "The Economics of Arrival".

Beyond Crisis

Monday 17 Aug – Friday 21 Aug, 2020 We live in a time of unprecedented challenges. We can choose which direction we take. Join us for a 360 degree look at where we’ve been and where we are headed. Our week of webinars and discussions will share positive stories to inspire Australians to see the...