Tag: Climate change

Reversing Global Warming: Project Drawdown – It’s possible and we all have a role to play!
At the Paris Climate Summit in 2015 Paul Hawken realised that the language around addressing the impact of global warming on our global climate appeared to be focusing on adaptation and mitigation – but no one seemed to be focusing on a comprehensive plan to

Building a New Economy in the Face of the Climate Emergency: Update from the NENA Coordinating Hub
This morning my 11-year-old daughter and her friends have finished their placards and are ready to march in the global Climate Change Strike, here in Brisbane. As I watch their earnest little faces concentrate on the colouring in, my heart hurts. I can barely imagine

School Strikes for Climate: Hear from the Organisers
How is this New Economy? A sustainable economy is possible. We have the means and the technology, and are only missing the political will. School students are making an impressive stand to change this, and have a general strike planned for September. NEJ contacted School

Extinction Rebellion – An Introduction
Extinction Rebellion is a decentralised, global movement which calls for non-violent, disruptive civil disobedience – a rebellion – to save our land, and ultimately ourselves, from the collapse of our biosphere. You may have seen XR activists feigning symbolic death in a shopping centre, or

Noah’s Ark: Can a story from our past be a message for our future?
I stand on the banks of the Logan River, the flood markers towering over me. The bottom of the river is more than 10m lower than where I stand. As I gaze up at these historic flood markers I am in awe of the power

An Environmental Science Perspective on Population
The article by Kurt Johnson opened up the population debate in NENA Journal. I endorse his statement that “a conversation on population growth must occur on the back of an unequivocal condemnation of racism. But it still must occur.” The present contribution offers an environmental

Labor’s Problem: Too Far Right of Public Opinion
We live in a world where public opinion has “only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy”, or at least that was what was found by a Princeton University study of American democracy. Based on the statistical evidence, they conclude that the US

Extinction Rebellion: ready, willing and (potentially) able to save the world
The Saturday after the 2019 federal election, I attended a meeting of the Melbourne chapter of Extinction Rebellion. I had seen the group’s curiously striking hourglass symbol pasted on street-lights and stencilled on bike paths, and I – like many others at the meeting –